CoyPu - Cognitive Economy Intelligence Platform for the Resilience of Economic Ecosystems
Description: As the operator of a large German company search engine and provider of company information, we bring years of experience in processing large amounts of data into structured information. Against this background, we are interested in creating an intelligent risk component to complement corporate networks. Our sub-project has the following goals: 1. providing structured, daily updated company data (master data, financial data, press releases, etc.) on more than 1.5 million German companies for the consortium, 2. identifying risk signals from public data (announcements, geo-information, social media, etc.), 3. detecting risks in network environments of companies, and 4. providing graphical user interfaces for interactive exploration of the CoyPu platform.
Funding source and program: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) Innovation Competition on Artificial Intelligence
Duration: June 2021 – May 2024 (36 months)
FinForSME - Improving the forecasting of financial business developments in medium-sized companies through peer group comparisons
Description: For the assessment of a company's short- and medium-term future viability, financial key figures play an overriding role. Management, controlling units, service providers like tax consultants, auditors, banks up to buyers can clarify their respective questions with this information. If you look at financial key figures over several years, the key figure trend enables first simple predictions (forecasts) by extrapolation. At the company Implisense, a software was developed from 2019-2020 that is able to form several thousand comparison groups (peer groups) on the basis of industry, region, and size and age class of companies in order to subsequently put the level of certain financial ratios (sales or net income) into perspective. The existing procedure is to be optimized so that financial trends on all small and medium sized firms (SME) are put in relation to their respective peer groups, and then outliers are provided for detailed analysis by experts.
Funding source and program: Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) Innovation Assistant
Duration: March 2021 - February 2022 (12 months)
Relationship recognition of investment relationships from financial statements (completed)
Description: Information about companies is the fundamental core of Implisense software offerings. Therefore it is essential to maintain and extend the database continuously. For various applications, for example in sales, it is extremely helpful to be aware of important shareholding relationships of potential or existing customers. Information about significant shareholdings between companies is published annually in annual financial statements. The goal of the project is to automatically extract these shareholding relationships from the documents on a large scale and in high quality.
Funding source and program: Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) Innovation Assistant
Duration: February 2020 - January 2021 (12 months)
Customer Prediction Platform (CPP, completed)
Description: The so-called Customer Prediction Platform (CPP) is a newly developed middleware for evaluating corporate customers on their customer potential. These assessments are made available to various end applications via a standardized interface (API). End applications include systems widely used in B2B marketing, such as those from SAP, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics.
Funding source and program: Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) Pro FIT - Project Financing, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Duration: June 2016 - February 2018 (21 months)
European Company Explorer Platform (ECEP, completed)
Description: Implisense's open data project. With ECEP you are able to search for any company properties on company websites in Europe. Analyze and compare the latest company trends in different regions and industries. The beta version is now available for the UK.
Funding source and program: Open Data Incubator for Europe (ODINE)
Duration: May 2016 - October 2016 (6 months)
Linked Value Chain Data (LUCID, completed)
Description: In LUCID, we are researching and developing Linked Data technologies to enable supply chain partners to describe their work, company, and products to other participants. This enables the creation of distributed networks of supply chain partners on the web without a central infrastructure.
Funding source and program: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) KMU-innovativ: Information and Communication Technologies
Duration: October 2014 - September 2016 (24 months)