Frequently asked questions about implisense.com
- What is implisense.com?implisense.com is a company search engine from Germany. With the search engine more than 2.000.000 innovative companies can be found by keywords in Germany. Several 100.000 users from all over the world visit implisense.com every month to discover new customers, suppliers and business partners. Most importantly, the search engine can be used at any time without registration.
- Which company operates implisense.com?implisense.com was developed by the team of Implisense GmbH from Berlin. The company emerged as a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft in the field of Big Data Analytics. implisense.com is completely developed and operated in Germany. Here is the public company profile of Implisense GmbH.
- Where does the data come from?It is a search engine that generates company profiles from public company data. In general, Implisense itself has no contractual relationship with the mentioned companies in company profiles. Due to the consideration of data from official sources such as the commercial register, annual accounts and company websites, a dynamic image of the German company landscape is automatically generated through comparisons. Personal data will only be processed in the area of the already publicly named representatives of corporate bodies. These data are published anyway by the German Commercial Register with the aim of increasing transparency in business transactions, so that board members, managing directors or authorized signatories are known by name in the context of business relations.
- I cannot find a certain company - what might be the reason?On implisense.com only economically active companies with a higher importance in business life are published. Possibly the desired company is not registered in the commercial register, is inactive or has a different spelling and therefore cannot be found.
- Can I modify data?Master data such as the company name, address, legal form or the names of the company representatives are automatically synchronized with the commercial register. Please check whether your desired changes are already recorded in the commercial register. If so, you do not need to do anything else. The data will be automatically synchronized in a few days. Changes of phone number, website, industry, size or links to social media presences on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram are the results of an automated extraction and can be modified easily with a request via online form. Please note that each request is checked manually and only requests with sufficient legitimation can be processed.
- Can I add my company?You have a company which is not registered in the German Commercial Register and want to be found on implisense.com? We are working on that. As soon as this function is available, we will inform you. Please register on the linked waiting list at the bottom of the page.
- Can I control the listing?All company data from the German commercial register are already published and therefore increase the transparency in business transactions. This publication practice is required by law for companies registered in the commercial register. You can object to the publication of additional information through Implisense's extractions at any time using the online form. As a result, the company can no longer be found on implisense.com for extended search terms such as products or services offered.
- How can I have all data deleted?All company data from the commercial register has already been published by the commercial register and legally defined deadlines for publication apply. You can request the deletion of additional information from Implisense to improve the searchability from the user's point of view using the online form.
- Can I use implisense.com for free?The basic search for companies on implisense.com and the access to published basic company profiles is possible at any time and free of charge without registration.
- How does implisense.com refinance itself?Professional users can use implisense.com in a paid version or book additional data services which will help to refinance implisense.com.
- How does implisense.com refinance itself?Professional users can use implisense.com in a paid version or order add-on data services which will help to refinance implisense.com.
- When were which features introduced?The changelog lists notable features in reverse chronological order.
Registration and Login
- Is registration required to use the portal?No. You can use the company search without registration and login. You will get limited insight into the search results or data in the company profiles. By registering free of charge for the Implisense Account, you will benefit from detailed company profiles, extensive search results and a favorites function.
- How can I register?Free registration is easy with your e-mail address and password. In addition, we offer registration options via your account with the third-party providers Google, LinkedIn or Windows. No Implisense password is required.
- What are the advantages of registration?As a registered user on Implisense.com you will receive more detailed company profiles, more extensive search results and you can create your own favorites. In addition to the standard data, you will see more information about the management, products & services, the technologies used and a larger number of job offers.
- How can I log in if I have forgotten my password?If you have forgotten your password, click here. No Implisense password is required when logging in via Google, LinkedIn or Windows.
- Who can use the services of Implisense?The offer is aimed at people with self-employed, professional or commercial activities.
- What are the technical requirements for using the offer?A PC, tablet or smartphone with a current browser is recommended.
- Do I need to install any software?No other software needs to be installed. It is used directly in the browser.
- Can the data be used for advertising purposes?Users are invited to find the right companies for your demand or supply. The contacting must be in accordance with the legal requirements and possible objections to the use of the data for advertising purposes must be considered.
- What options does the full text search offer?The full-text search allows you to search for any terms or phrases. Thus, you can also search for brand names, product names, certifications or similar.
- What information can be found under 'Management'?In the management tile you will find the persons named in the commercial register since 2005 who are authorized to manage the company. These can be board members, managing directors or authorized signatories. By linking to the search on LinkedIn and Xing you can easily check who is to be involved in new orders or inquiries.
- What information does the 'Technology Profiles' contain?Under Technologies you will find the technologies of a company mentioned on the website or in a job advertisement. This allows you to see, for example, which technological competencies an employer has or which systems a company supports or uses.
- What does the value profile mean?It is an analysis of particularly frequently used terms and phrases from job advertisements that indicate certain value characteristics. This allows job seekers, for example, to check how well they can enrich the local corporate culture.
- What is 'Integration via API'?This is a technical possibility to display certain data from the company profile in your CRM system or ERP system. You can find more information on https://rapidapi.com/user/Implisense
Implisense Assist
- What is Implisense Assist?Implisense Assist is an intelligent chat software based on large language modelsi (LLMs). We have adapted the models so that Implisense Assist can answer your questions about specific companies, but also about economic topics. We offer Implisense Assist as a standalone chat, but we also use it to optimize our own content.
- How does Implisense Assist work?For Implisense Assist, we have augmented existing large language models with our data, resulting in a model optimized for our purposes. In addition, we also further process your queries and enrich them with context to get the best possible answers from the model.
- Is there third-party technology behind Implisense Assist?Implisense Assist is currently based on the ChatGPT software developed by OpenAI. For Implisense Assist we use the API offered. At the same time, we are evaluating other models, both from other commercial providers and from the open source community.
- How are my questions processed?Your questions will be processed by us and forwarded to ChatGPT in processed form. We will save your questions solely to ensure the history function. However, if possible, you should not include any trade secrets in your questions. Please also note our privacy statement.
- How reliable are the answers given by Implisense Assist?Although Implisense Assist's answers are generally of high quality, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of the answers. We always link the sources that we have available for your inquiries. Please use these sources for verification.