12 Companies at the address Am Gefach, 55566 Bad Sobernheim
GH Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Bad Sobernheim
Holdings and financial services (K64)
PolyMIM GmbH
Bad Sobernheim
Chemical products (C20)
Polymer Grundstücks- und Immobilien-Gesellschaft mbH
Bad Sobernheim
Real estate (L68)
Polymer Technik & Service GmbH
Bad Sobernheim
Architectural and engineering activities, laboratories (M71)
Polymer-Chemie GmbH
Bad Sobernheim
Chemical products (C20)
Polymer-Holding GmbH
Bad Sobernheim
Holdings and financial services (K64)
SL Sobernheimer Logistik GmbH
Bad Sobernheim
Logistics (H52)
SoBiCo GmbH
Bad Sobernheim
Plastic (C22)
Sun Alloys Europe GmbH
Bad Sobernheim
Chemical products (C20)
TechnoCompound GmbH
Bad Sobernheim
Chemical products (C20)
Zykla GmbH
Bad Sobernheim
Plastic (C22)
Zykla GmbH
Bad Sobernheim
Plastic (C22)